Using The Credit Link More Effectively

by Brendon on June 23, 2005

Jason asked the question “How much business do you make by putting “Site by:Tailored – Online Marketing Specialists” on your sites?”
At the bottom of our sites we used to have: “Site by Tailored.” Only recently have we changed that to specifically target “web site marketing” related terms.
Over the 6 or 7 years we’ve been in business we’ve only generated 1, possibly 2 jobs from the “Site by Tailored” link. Pretty lame.
But that link from web sites we’ve developed can be useful.
Difficulty With A Blog
Over the past few months we’ve changed the link to try and generate an effective linking strategy – we link via words such as “web marketing” and “online marketing” to our Home Page.
But the difficulty with having a blog is that the content changes so dramatically each day that targeting a specific keyword or phrase is a little harder than normal (because of the reduced capacity for on-page ranking factors such as key word count, headings, etc).
All a link to “Tailored” does for me is assist us ranking higher for the term “tailored”. As a web firm that’s not much use to us.
Okay, so the bottom line for us is this. The link at the bottom of the web pages we develop doesn’t give us any/many prospects.
Use The Link More Effectively
But if we utilise that link a little more effectively – let’s say you are a “Denver web designer” then my suggestion would be to use those words to link to your Home Page.
And have the term “Denver web designer” in your title, main heading, once in the first paragraph and scattered throughout your page copy – then that link can aid our search engine rankings significantly and assist in generating prospects via having a high ranking when people search for the term “Denver web designer”.

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