Many people I speak with are afraid to go into business for themselves. “Afraid” is not really the right word….more “anxiety”.
They feel as those they need to have everything planned out to the nth degree.
The hardest thing about getting started is getting started
The hardest thing about getting started is getting started. It has long been a philosophy of mine that it’s more important to do something rather than to analyze extensively, plan, review and only then implement.
Just do it and see what happens!
I was talking with the new team member (Anthony) today about our business. One of the warnings I gave him was to not be surprised if he sees us doing something a particular way that makes him think “Why are these idiots doing it that way?”
Well, usually the answer to that question is “Because we don’t know any better.”
The Reason We Do It That Way
And there’s a reason we do it that way. Much of my business career has been very entrepreneurial where I’ve had to rapidly assess and act on market information.
I often don’t have time for the subtleties that some organisations might have. I have to attack and attack hard to see whether the business is viable. I’ll do whatever works to solve my problems of the time.
Sure, they won’t always be the “best” or “perfect” solution, but the time I save by implementing NOW provides me with so many significant market and competitive advantages as to outweigh the negatives of doing it “wrong”.
It’s About Results
It’s about results. As an entrepreneur I need action now. Not analysis.
(But as my business range has become more focused – now I do business mostly in the web arena – I have acquired more knowledge, experience and expertise along with more highly skilled people around me (like Jo & Anthony) to enable me to pick the best solution sooner (if not immediately).)
Unquestionably, the best article/ebook/manifesto I’ve ever read that has come closest to my personal business philosophy is “The Art of The Start” by Guy Kawasaki.
(It’s 34 pages of easy reading. File size (PDF) is 609 kb.)
A simple and easy read that should be compulsory reading for anyone looking at starting or continuing in business.
The Art of the Start – a blueprint for entrepreneurs (and it’s free!)
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