Managing The Expectation

by Brendon on June 20, 2005

Something that I’ve struggled with over the years has been managing the expectation of the client. We need to project our enthusiasm for how successful we think a web site can be in an effort to win the job.
But the trick is to not over-promise.
Because if you do – even if you do a great job on the site – the client might view the site as a failure.
Keep the expectations reasonable.
The # 1 Question To Ask
The # 1 question to ask potential clients is this:
“What result would you want for this project to be considered a success?”
Then you have something concrete to base your assessment on. If the expectation is too high you can educate the person to make it a more realistic expectation.
And you also have something with which to focus on to ensure the project stays on btrack.

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