I had a business adviser in the office today. This guy works for a client.
In general chit chat before the client arrived I asked him where his office was.
“Well, as a fundamental aspect of our direct strategic initiatives, my partners and I identified a key dependency as being able to fully integrate in our skillset and modus of operations directly into our client’s competencies. Further to this, and inasfar as this related to ensure protected value, we decided that the most effective usage of our resources would be a non-traditional alignment of our physical presence into a diverse, yet communicating operation free of the traditional restrictions normally associated with dedicated ‘corporate’ space.”
I said, “So……you work from home?”
Don’t be embarrassed about working from home. In fact, don’t be embarrassed about working from anywhere.
Your value is in your skills, not your location.
If you act embarrassed, you’ll look silly. If you act confident, people will envy that you work from home.