Can You Wash Your Client’s Car?

by Brendon on June 24, 2005

My car was in getting some work done last week. Now, it’s a good car. But a little dirty. I’ve never been a car sort of guy and I know next to nothing how they work.
My idea of washing my car is parking it outside and hoping it rains.
Anyway, you hear of these garages that not only fix your car but as an added bonus they’ll detail it whilst it’s in the shop. I was hoping that my garage was such a place.
Nice Clean Car
I would have appreciated a nice clean car being delivered back to me! But, alas, it was not to be. Turns out my garage does what they’re supposed to do and fixes cars. Oh, the outrage.
But I would have been really impressed if they had of cleaned it :o(
And that got me thinking. What can I do that’s the equivalent of cleaning the client’s car?
And thinking………………………..and thinking.
Got it!
How about we wash our client’s cars? Next time a client calls into the office we’ll have a detailer ready to go.
Maybe give the client a massage – there are plenty of massage businesses in my town that go to offices and provide massages.
Perhaps tickets to a show – at the local Casino here on the Gold Coast, dinner and a show costs $62. That’s nothing when you consider the lifetime value of a client.
Imagine This
Imagine you’re the client sitting there and you get this letter:
“Dear John
Hope all is well.
Just a quick note to say thanks for your recent business. We’re delighted to have been of service and thrilled that the web site has been so successful.
As you know, we don’t do things the same as every other business – a fact that has contribute to our success. Part of what we do appreciate the importance of your business to you and how important great clients like you are to our business.
As our way of saying “Thanks for being part of our success” I’ve organised dinner and a show on Saturday night…..blah, blah, blah.”
That’ll impress him. (What would be even more effective is if you invited him – and partner -along with you and your partner. That way you can continue to build the relationship.)
That’s a great way to wash your client’s car.

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