I use all 3 of the main blog softwares (is that a word??):
Movable Type here
Blogger at Tailored.com.au
WordPress at TailoredPodcast.com
Movable Type cost me $199 from memory.
Keeping In Mind I Don’t Do The Programming
Keeping in mind I don’t do the programming and am pretty much technically inept, I’ll rate them thus:
# 1: Blogger – free, incredibly easy to use, simple. 10/10
# 2: WordPress – free, really easy to use, trickier to get photos and stuff online. But damn nice all the same. 9.5/10
# 3: Movable Type (this site’s software) – $199, fairly easy to use, I once tried to get an image online and lost my whole post. Haven’t tried again. (I’ll try now after saving this post). 6/10.
Tina’s Photo (our newest employee)
That wasn’t that easy. I didn’t really understand what I was doing as I went and then the photo needed to be a new post by itself (I’ve pasted over this post to go with the pic, rather than just embed the photo in the post).
Blog Reviews – And The Winner Is
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